Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

7 Proven Tips to Increase Blog Traffic with Social Media

How can i increase blog traffic with social media faster in 2020 with social media? When there was no social media, there used to be a way to increase your blog traffic:

• Blogging every day.
• Get public attention through Email and RSS Subscription.
• Write a blog post optimizing for Search Engine.
Now, you have an Advantage…

Now, you can start a blog today, and tomorrow it can be Viral. Now, you are not constrained by the “Older is Better” rule. Now, you can use Social Media to your advantage, by creating amazing content and making it accessible to the general public who will share it for you.

Increase Blog Traffic with Social Media
Increase Blog Traffic with Social Media

How to increase blog traffic with social media using?

If you want to use social media to increase blog traffic with social media using, here are 8 ways to do this:

1. Start using Twitter.

Start sharing your posts on Twitter, engage with your followers, follow famous bloggers in your Niche.

2. Start a Facebok page for your blog.

This is an additional subscription option for Facebook users, and can be a means to expand your blog.

3. Share your blog regularly on Facebook.

There are some great tools to help make it easier for you. Encourage your readers to do so by adding Facebook “Like” or “Share” buttons.

4. Ask others to promote your blog through Social Bookmarking Sites such as DIGG, Stumbleupon, Reddit and others. You can do this occasionally yourself, but beware of doing this again and again, as some sites penalize sites with multiple submissions of the same user.

5. Use Social Sharing Tools on your website.

A very good tool is Flare, which allows you to combine sharing options into one tool via Twitter, Facebook, email and social bookmarking sites.
6. Use a social-powered comment tool such as Disqus or IntenseDebate.

6. Write attractive headlines that people like to share. Most people ignore it by posting unsightly, nonscript title good articles. You don’t do that

7. Write compelling content.

It has to be really good. Like, better than your average blog.
The last point is worth emphasizing again: create compelling content. If you want your blog to compete on social media sites, then you have to say something worth listening to. In other words, your blog should be awesome.

Conclusion for the best social media for increase blog traffic
This is the downside of blog traffic with Social Media. Everybody now has a voice. Which is suitable for those who wish to communicate and listen at this place. You have to either be really specific or be really radical. Probably both.

Personally, I like this new rule. This means that playing it safe is no longer an option. If you don’t break some rules, you can do all of the above and still fail. This means that great writers and communicators will start going to the top.

So what will you do? I hope you break a rule. I hope you are different. I hope you write something good for our attention.


How to make money blogging fast in 2020

How to make money from blogging?

Are you wondering how to make money blogging? Many years ago I realized that bloggers were making money. In some cases, they were making a lot of money! Many of them seemed to be regular people just like me. How exactly were they doing this? How to get more traffic on your blog? Can I Make Money With Blogging?

3 important steps to make money from blogging

First, you start a blog and establish yourself as an authority by creating excellent, useful content about your topic. Then think about How to make money blogging.

Select and apply income sources related to your topic.

How to make money blogging
How to make money blogging

How do bloggers make money?

Most successful bloggers use their blog as a hub or online home base, then build several Income Streams from there.

It is important to use your blog as a hub because you can always be found there.

These income streams include advertising, affiliate marketing, selling digital or physical products, or providing services. We will go into detail for each below.

Bloggers make money through direct and indirect related opportunities on their blog.

How much do bloggers earn?

It varies widely. Some bloggers make millions of dollars a year. Others, like me, make a good income. Some make less, and some do not make money.

While it is interesting to know how much a blogger makes, the most exciting for me is how much a blogger can make. No amount is guaranteed, and it is not easy, but there are virtually no limits.

It is amazing how creative bloggers generate income. This is why I love blogging.

It is difficult to come up with concrete numbers about blogging income.

How long does it take to earn money from blogging?

It takes several hours per week to create and maintain a quality blog. Typically, blogging takes months before looking at the income from it.

I ask new bloggers to allow at least 3-6 months of earning to make a decent part-time income and 1-2 years of consistent consistent income.

Of course, there are always exceptions, but after being active in the blogging world for nearly 14 years, these are reasonable averages.

The idea that you can start a blog today and make a full-time income within a few months is, for most, not realistic. Just too much to learn (and much more for your site, your content library, your social media presence, your credibility, relationships with readers, etc.).

If you need money immediately, then creating a blog may not be your best option. How to make money blogging

But don’t be disappointed! I squeezed blogging into the cracks of life for many years and now it brings in steady income. If you have some time, it is worth the effort.

The source of income of bloggers
These are the 5 main income sources. There are several possibilities under each of which:
Advertising & Sponsored Content
Affiliate Marketing
Digital Products
Physical Products

1. Advertising & Sponsored Content

Companies want to bring their product to potential customers. If your readers are their ideal customers, they may be interested in advertising on your blog. The ways to include advertising in your blog are as follows:

Display Ads – Graphics within your sidebar, header, footer, or your content.

Giveaways and reviews – Companies offer you free products (and expected monetary compensation) and you highlight that product on your blog.

Sponsored or Written Posts – Companies pay you to write posts that mention them or their product.

Newsletter / Video / Podcast Sponsorship – Advertising in emails or mini-commercials in video or podcast episodes.

Advertising is easy to start, making it a popular income stream for many bloggers. However, it was not nearly as attractive as it once was and it requires a lot of traffic to be truly profitable. In addition, it runs the risk of disappointing your readers and makes your site look cheap and unsophisticated. Therefore, this is not my top recommendation.

2. Affiliate Marketing

As an affiliate marketer, you promote someone else’s product or service to your readers. You link to that product or service using your unique affiliate link. When someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase (or completes the desired action set by the company), you earn a commission.

How to make money blogging
How to make money blogging

There are thousands of affiliate programs to join. Something I can participate in:
Amazon Associates – Pay when readers purchase Amazon products through your link.

WP Engine – The host that I use to run my site.
Bluehost – Host I recommend new bloggers in this post.

Amazon influencer program – is a separate Amazon program that gives you your Amazon shop like mine.

Ultimate Bundles – A company that sells bundles of digital products at extremely discounted prices. I have written the entire post about this affiliate program here.

Affiliate marketing is one of my favorite and most profitable income streams. You can highlight the products or services that you use and do the work of creating or maintaining the product you love.

3. Digital Products

Many bloggers create and sell their own digital products. Digital products are great because they do not require inventory and can be delivered quickly and easily. There is no overhead and low risk.

Examples of digital products:
Online Courses – Teach others what you know and sell it again and again.

Online Classes or workshops – teaching, but in a live setting.
eBook – Self-publishing is very beneficial for many people.

Premium Content – Others have to pay to access.
Membership Site – A blend of learning and community.

Images – Many photographers sell their photos online.
Audio & Video – Create music jingles, voice-over, or video clips.
Apps, Plugins & Themes – Great for those who love code.

4. Physical Products

Some bloggers sell physical products. some examples:
Books – Many bloggers have become traditionally published authors due to their blogs.

Handmade Products– Are you a manufacturer?
Many bloggers find a manufacturer to make their idea a reality.

Retail Mediation– Can You Find Great Deals? Turn around profits on sites like Amazon and sell them.
In-person conferences, classes, or special programs – exchange of something tangible (money) for a ticket to a person’s experience.

In the past few years, a boom of bloggers has started selling physical products. This can be profitable but can be complicated with manufacturing, taking into account inventory, shipping, returns, etc.

Some bloggers reduce the hassle of producing physical products through dropping or POD (print on demand).

5. Services

Some bloggers use expertise related to their blog topic and get paid when others hire them. Services can be offered locally or virtually. Examples:
Speaking – Many bloggers find speaking gigs as a result of platforms built on their blogs.

Virtual help – read my post for my experience and lots of ideas on how to become a virtual assistant.
Freelancing – It is providing a service to customers and is similar to virtual assistance.

Organize, decorate, cook – Some bloggers provide in-person services to their local readers.

Offering a service is a great way to make money quickly because the startup costs are low, require no inventory at least and you are already paid for a skill. The downside is, it is not scalable; You only have so much time, meaning, you can only earn as much as your time allows.

How can I start my own blog and earn money?

After starting your blog, focus on building a solid library of at least 10-20 blog posts. Make sure they are helpful and expressive. Remember, your goal is to become a go-to resource on your subject. In other words, improve your content on the subject than any other. After that think How to make money blogging? You got success after this.

Next, find out which income streams are natural extensions to your post. Apply them one at a time until you find the ones that work best for you.

In the meantime, build relationships on social media, in Facebook Groups, and wherever your potential readers are. Don’t just promote your own stuff, be a supporting part of the conversation. People will eventually see what you have to offer.

Can I start a blog for free and still earn money?

Yes. However, I will warn against this. Why? When you use a free service, you don’t have as much control over your blog – the free service does. This can be risky, especially if you will rely on your blog for income.

A self-hosted WordPress blog is my recommendation and can be started very cheaply. See my step-by-step tutorial here How to make money blogging.

5. Additional tips to make money from blogging

1. Use multiple income streams for proper management. Diversity is important.

2. Excellent content is the key to long term success. There is no way around it.

3. Each blogger has a different combination of income streams. There is no “right” way and that is the beauty of it. There are endless possibilities. Find a combination that works for you.

4. The other blogger should not be cloned. Find a unique angle.

5. Successful bloggers do not start a blog just to make money. Instead, they blog about a topic they really enjoy and can write for years. They allow money to grow organically from that subject.

The following listed tips help you to earn money from blogging in this 2020 year.

Thank you for reading.


How to Start a Successful Blog and Make Money Online 2020

How to Start a Successful Blog and make Money online Step By Step

How to begin an Effective Blog and earn money online?

It is a step by step and easy to follow along with the tutorial that will help you How to Start a Successful Blog and Make Money with setting up your own blog from the beginning. This guide is not to help motivate anyone to begin a blog. It’s best suited for someone that already made the decision to begin your blog and desire several step-by-step directions of the entire process.

This tutorial is intended for anybody who is looking for the best response to the following questions:

How to Start a Successful Blog for Free?

How to start a successful blog in 2020 and manage it all?

How do you start a blog to make money?

How to start a successful blog business?

How to start a successful blog in one hour? 

How to Start a Successful Blog and Make Money
How to Start a Successful Blog and Make Money

Now, creating a blog is usually simple in order to become in a position to successfully monetize your blog, you have to set up your blog. This tutorial covered the actual topics in which anyone establishes your blog so you may generate income from it all.

There is a lot of excellent articles to go via, so it is a great plan to bookmark this particular page then thus you possibly can come to it later on and go above the actual articles from your own pace.


How to become a successful blogger and make money?

1. Identify your interest

Centered on blogging is just a method to make a lot of money online.

“what you should not allow jot down?”

The actual preliminary aspect you’ll possess to be able to locate your current being familiar with, wish, attention, or passion about any subject. Upon whatsoever phase you are within your current lifestyle, your audience has a few types of special skills and also requires.

1.Answer these questions:

2. Can One make a case for my personal concept without tired?

3. Have I acquired acceptable details concerning my subject?

4. Contain I managed to get enough details about my theme?

5. Can you create with regard to six several weeks without straining above income from your blog?

6. is one able to put together to understand a lot of interesting things? Once you have obvious techniques to these queries, you are respected to visit.

Top Most Profitable Blog Niches 2020


2. Choose a Name for the Blog

Your own domain name is your Blog.

e.g.,,, or any name from the website are usually professed domains. So following you have made the actual decision your topic to get which blogging, the following factor is the own domain name.

The likes of the HostGator, GoDaddy, Siteground are among the topmost domain supplier companies

in the world. you will need to open up your sites on top of to have the ideal status to get your current company.

Couple of things to maintain in thoughts prior to purchasing domains:

Never buy digits In Website: Always keep a distance from to buy website title grabbing digits inside the URL. e.g, Constantly Favor Us dot Com: Us dot com domains would be best because maybe the actual worldwide character getting b .org personality is easily the most suitable option.

Make a good effort to Avoid Very carefully Double, Triple Letters: Domains like, are constantly rather perplexing to get the reason that people do not include individuals repeating letters.

Look for a Domain Associated With Your current niche Only: identity must become centered upon the popularity to get your company. Thus choose your blog title meaningfully. Your site may have some texts, images, videos, and a lot of additional actions. Where can you store almost all those people items on the blog


3. Here comes to hosting

Before get started did you register your domain. If you have a business then Choose the domain name with your brand name or you trying to start a personal blog or website try your own name or some unique name, which contains some keyword and easy to remember.

Website loading time, performance, and hosting support need to be super fast for your website growth and best for your viewers also. On the internet, there are lots of hosting providers. But I listed websites which is the best web hosting in 2020.

Best WordPress Hosting Services for Small Business Comparison 2020


4. Choose an ideal Theme

Picking out the Ideal WordPress Theme

WordPress can be used to help create all kinds of websites. That is exactly why just about every theme provides services to an alternative industry. Your current WordPress theme should complement the actual articles connected with your website.

For case in point, in the event that you are creating a blog on politics or social issues, then you would need a theme that improves readability.

Everyone says it’s possible. Sometimes it’s a scam or you find out your dream job just hired you for home assembly–and it’s not always fun. Some of the most boring jobs in the world are stay-at-home jobs, and ones you are so not passionate about. However, there are some foolproof ways to make money, stay at home, and do exactly what you love.

Bonus Tips

What Do You Love the Most?

Think about what gets your gears going. Make a list of things you like and are passionate about.

Get Online

Whether you’ve decided to sell painted scarves or fishing lures, online businesses are really booming. There is a mass market of people, just like you, that don’t want to leave their home. You can offer your product in a unique, fun way and make a lot of money by doing so online.

Your blog is nothing without you. All you will need to turn it into a blog is begin writing today.


Why is My Phone Charging Slow and Dying Fast Samsung iPhone 2020

Why is my phone charging slow and dying fast Samsung?

In this article you will learn why is my phone charging slow and dying fast in mobile phones. All the smartphone based on the Android Operating System (Android OS) around the world is most popular. Popularity is one of the main reasons that its price is far less than Apple iPhone and Blackberry Mobile.

why is my phone charging slow and dying fast
why is my phone charging slow and dying fast

Due to the low price it is also in the reach of the common people. But there are only two problems in Android smartphones that their users are always upset. First, despite being a slow down in the smartphone and the second battery is quick down.

Today I will tell about solving these two problems how you can make your Android smartphone fast and how smartphone how to increase the speed of Android smartphone and how to stop the battery expense?

Why is my phone charging slow and dying fast?

Disable the System Apps:

When we buy a new smartphone, the company installs some apps. Some apps are necessary and some trials are in version. Such games such as many such apps that are already present in your phone.

If you do not use and if you do it, then the limit of using soon after the trial version is expired. These apps continue to move in your smartphone’s memory and spend the battery quickly. Therefore, the apps that are used should be closed (disable).

How to Disable System Apps?

To disable System apps, you will have to go to your smartphone’s settings. In the smartphone’s settings, you must find the Apps (Application Manager) option.

This option is mainly found in the settings option but it can also be at different places in different smartphones.

When you get this option, open it. Now under the ALL tab, you will see the list of Install Apps in your smartphone.

You have to find those games / apps that you are not using. When you get that apps, tap them.

In Android-Apps-or-Application-Manager-Option Apps (Application Manager) you must have tap on the Up all tab.

Read : How to Fix Phone won’t turn on due to overheating 

Usually, when you think the apps screen will slip from the left or right from the right, you will see 5 tables under the apps: Downloaded, SD Card, Running, All, Disable.

You have to tap on the All tab. Now under the ALL tab, you will see the list of Install Apps in your smartphone.

You have to find those games / apps that you are not using. When you get that apps, tap them.
Disable-Unwanted-System-Apps Note: There will be some apps here whose systems have a key role in running.

Therefore, there is a need to pay attention to an app closing. You can disable the apps of this: Inbuilt Games & Live Wallpapers, Google+, Google Drive, Google Play Books, Google Hangouts, Google Play Unwanted Other Apps Etc.

When you will tap on the app, you will see the App Info page. Here you just have to tap on the disable button. As soon as you will tap on disable. They will ask you to confirm, then you have to do it by tap on ok.

How to Enable Tap-to-Disable-Apps again?

If you have accidentally disable an app, then there is no disturbance. You just have to do that again in Apps Manager and tap on the Disable tab instead of the All tab and accidentally disable the disable.

Remove the apps without using:

Many times it happens that we continue to install the apps in our smartphone, but do not use them. And these apps keep slowing down your smartphone as well as the batteries do. You can see these apps visiting the app.

To remove these apps, go to Apps (Apps Manager) and then downloaded on TAB. Now under the downloaded, you will see the list of all downloaded apps. Tap it on to find a waste app in this list. Tap on the uninstall button on the App info page and then by tap on OK.

Turn off the opening operation / service of the system:

We keep using your smartphone regular, but do not pay attention that after using a service, it has to stop it. Why is my phone charging slow and dying fast in mobile phones.

As we share music, movies, videos and apps with others, but after sharing WiFi, Bluetooth etc. are forgotten to close the services. Wifi, Bluetooth, Location and Data Connection are some such services that spend the battery in the very high.

By closing them, you will be able to use more smartphones for about 30 minutes. These services can be closed from the Quick Access menu by going to the smartphone settings or on the button given in the notification bar in the upper corner.

Reduce the brightness of the Stop-Unwanted-Services screen (brightness):

Smartphone phone backlight brightness (brightness) If more open then it costs your smartphone battery more and your eye Eyes can also go by having more gloss. That’s why it is good to use the necessary brightness instead of more brightness.

To reduce Brightness, go to the settings and increase the brightness of the screen by tap and increase the brightness and if you want to avoid the glowing decrease and increase, then on the AUTO option given in Brightness Install LOW-Brightness RAM Cleaner and Battery Saver App: And in the end the most important is that a good RAM Cleaner App is installed.

360 Security AntiVirus Boost and Clean Master are some such apps that remind you to clean it on the RAM of your smartphone. Reminds the apps running in the background to stop the RAM Cleaner App repeatedly to stop this, which are spending too much your battery.

If you keep in mind the things that are told above, you will be able to use your smartphone for almost two hours and also will not be stuck while moving your app. Now you may know about why is my phone charging slow and dying fast in mobile phones.


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

How to turn on Assistive touch on iPhone or iPad

Here is the simple step to assistive touch on iPhone 5/6/7/8/10/11 or iPad latest iOS versions.

I will show how to turn on assistive touch on iOS Devices step by step with pictures help or you can watch the video also. Read also 10 Tips to Fix iPhone Battery Draining Fast When not in Use 2020

How to turn on assistive touch on iPhone without the home button?

Step 1: Go to Setting

How to turn on Assistive touch
How to turn on Assistive touch

Step 2: Click General

How to turn on Assistive touch
How to turn on Assistive touch

Step 3: Click Accessibility.

How to turn on Assistive touch
How to turn on Assistive touch

Step 4: Click Assistive Touch Option

How to turn on Assistive touch
How to turn on Assistive touch

Step 5: Turn on Assistive Touch

How to turn on Assistive touch
How to turn on Assistive touch

Step 6: You Sucessfully turn on assistive touch.

How to turn on Assistive touch
How to turn on Assistive touch

Search Term: Read Official FAQs

How do I turn on assistive touch on iOS13?

How do you set up an assistive touch?

How do I put the home button on the screen of my iPhone?

How do you fix your home button

How do I turn on assistive touch if my home button is broken?


Monday, June 29, 2020

Home Based Jewelry Business Opportunities 2020

Starting A Home Based Jewelry Business

Have you been making jewelry? Or just recently learned to know how to start a home based jewelry business or making jewelry? Have people complimented you on your work? Do you love to make jewelry for your relatives, friends, and yourself?

Or just plain creative in making your own jewelry? Then a jewelry business would not only cater to your love for these creations but also earn you some money on the side.

Making and selling jewelry would be a snap if you simply love doing it. Earning money from a hobby would mean that you’re hooked and dedicated to this hobby, giving it much attention and detailed improvements. Growing this kind of business is easy as long as you dedicate time and hard work and allow it to grow for you.

What You Need To Be A Home Based Jewelry Seller

The first thing you need to do is choose and register a business name, in doing so you can make sure that your business would get protected and you have all the rights in using the name for advertising, etc.

Contacting your county clerk for guidance for the needed forms to be filled out would be a great help in speeding up the process. Get a business license or permit if needed, ask for further assistance with your county clerk.

Home Based Jewelry Business Opportunities
Home Based Jewelry Business Opportunities

Another step you need to take is to make a separate bank account for your business; the IRS requires a clear line drawn between personal income expenses and business. It’s also a way to keep a record of your business’s loss of earnings, could you ever imagine how complicated it would be if you only have one account for you’re personal earnings and for your business?

How would you know which deposits are from personal earnings and from your jewelry making business? Just think that setting up a business account is simply for your own advantage.

Next is to make your products, make your jewelry either from scratch, or buy some materials and tools you need in making your jewelry.

Having a supplier where you buy your material at the wholesale prices would save you some money in starting up. Always buy in bulk quantities to get better profits from your finished products.

Growing Your Home Based Jewelry Business Over Time

Start A Home Based Jewelry Business Expanding your business would make your profits grow, as with every other business advertising is an essential part of the success of your business. Market your products by starting in your local crafts store.

And move up the ladder by creating a website to showcase your products and so that more people (eventual buyers) can see and reach you faster.

Improve your skills by taking classes at community centers and craft stores, learning more techniques to improve the products that you produce would have an impact on your growing business.

Always take advantage of the sources that would improve your business, having a business, and running it has always been a lifetime learning experience.

It’s easy to start and earn a living with making jewelry it only requires a little talent, creativity, hard work, and the love in working these mini-masterpieces that would make money flow into your account. Enjoy making and selling your jewelry.

Make Money Home Based Jewelry Business Plus Image Recommend Resources For Starting A Home Based Jewelry Business

How to Start a Home-Based Jewelry Making Business: *Turn your passion into profit *Develop a smart business plan *Set market-appropriate prices … on … Retail Shops *Make Money On The Internet Written By  Maire Loughran

This book provides over 200 pages of valuable information about Home Based Jewelry Business Opportunities or everything any jewelry crafter would need to know to turn their fun hobby into a profitable home business.

I highly recommend you consider this book as your next step to preparing yourself to start your very own Money Making Home Based Jewelry Business.


How to Start A Jewelry Business (Jewelry Business Ideas 2020)

How to start a jewelry business

Read About start a Jewelry business Booth, Do you love to make your own jewelry? Are you receiving compliments and suggestions about selling your creations? Or perhaps you do not make jewelry but want to learn how and then sell your work.

If you answer yes to the above questions, you should open a jewelry booth business. Growing this kind of organization is easy as long as you dedicate and willing to work towards your goal.

What You Need To Know To Start A Jewelry Business

Learning how to make jewelry is not hard but it does take some practice. There are numerous resources available with detailed instructions on how to make jewelry. To start making jewelry you do not need to have a lot of equipment and it does not require a lot of space in your home.

If you have already made jewelry, you would have most of the tools required and probably a supply of your handmade jewelry ready to go.

Start A Jewelry Business
Start A Jewelry Business

Your jewelry should be exclusive and different from what you would find elsewhere. People go to the shows to find unusual pieces that no else will have. Most people are looking for something special.

Pick a catchy name for your business and have cards or tags made so that customers remember who you are. If your customers are happy with your jewelry, they will look for you at future shows. Accepting credit cards is imperative to selling your jewelry.

Lots of people do not carry cash with them. Free gift wrapping will increase sales or beautiful little pouches will also be a good selling feature.

You should attend a few shows and do a walk-through to see how the booths are set up and what jewelry is being sold. Once you have done the necessary research and feel you have a supply of jewelry made, you are ready to do your first show.

Growing Your Jewelry Booth Business Over Time

Start A Jewelry Booth organization Today Develop a schedule to make sure everything gets completed in time for the shows, that things are done in the right sequence, and in ample time prior to the shows. This schedule will become a very important device to guarantee the success of your shows.

You will learn the best shows to enter and the displays that attract the most customers, as well as the type of products the customers are looking for at the shows. It is very important to be constantly developing your skills for making and selling jewelry.

Keep learning and investigating new techniques and designs for your jewelry. You should try to have new products available to your customers at each show. Try to use designs that differ from other jewelry artists. People are looking for originality in the product they are about to purchase.

To make a success of your jewelry booth organization, you should follow your creative spirit and make wise business decisions, study jewelry crazes and fashion, learn everything you can about jewelry making supplies.

Set up your organization records so that you stay structured, and focus on the demands of your customers. Making the customer happy is your key to a profitable business.

Make Money Jewelry Booth Plus Image Recommend Resources For Starting A Jewelry Booth.

Sell Your Jewelry: How to Start a Jewelry Business and Make Money Selling Jewelry at Boutiques, Fairs, Trunk Shows, and Etsy.

Written By  Stacie Vander Pol

This book will teach you step-by-step practical advice on starting and operating your own successful jewelry booth organization. I highly recommend you consider this book as your next step to preparing yourself to start your very own Money Making Start a Jewelry Business.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

How to Start A Medical Transportation Business

Starting A Medical Transportation Business

Read About Starting A Medical Transportation, Business As the aged population is rapidly growing, starting a medical transportation business is a wonderful investment. Learn How Much Does it Cost to Starting A Medical Transportation Business.

This type of support is in such demand that elderly people, nursing facilities, hospitals and so one need your services to help them meet their increasing requirements. The need is so great and increasing rapidly, people will be calling you to arrange medical transportation.

Starting A Medical Transportation Business
Starting A Medical Transportation Business

Medical transportation is non-emergency transportation. It is the transportation of the elderly in need of aid who wants to move from one place to another. The client needs more help than they would receive if they use a taxi or another related service.

They may be in stretchers, wheelchairs, or just need help to get to medical appointments or to other functions. This type of service is also known as an ambulette service.

What You Need To Be In The Medical Transportation Business

There is no special life-saving equipment or training required which makes this a business that anyone can start. The medical transportation business is very easy to administer. You need a vehicle with a ramp or a lift to make it possible for the client to get easily into the vehicle.

If you want, you can start small at first with one vehicle and the means for the client to contact you and set up times. A cell phone would work very well for this; as you can have it with you at all times.

You have to pick a name to call your new medical transportation business. Make arrangements for insurance and be sure to look around to get the best possible insurance at the best rates available. Also, purchase a business license for your medical transportation business.

Medical Transportation Business
Medical Transportation Business

The method of payments from your clients will have to be decided upon and arranged. Some people like to be invoiced, others prefer to pay on the spot and others will want to use a credit card. In some countries, Medicaid and Social Assistance will pay for this type of service.

You need to promote your business to get it up and running. Promoting business yourself is an excellent way.

Get out there, talk to people, be noticed, approach a particular group of people such as hospitals, nursing homes, and different types of medical centers and seniors who want assistance in getting to different events.

Growing Your Medical Transportation Business Over Time

Start A Medical Transportation Business Through hard work and dedication you can develop a very rewarding and prosperous business.

You can now expand your medical transportation business by setting up office space, hiring good employees, and purchasing more vehicles to meet the growing demand of your business.

But remember the most important part of your business is your clients. Make your clients the focal point of your business and when you do this you will have happy and loyal customers.

By giving the client first-class service, they will continue to call you when they need transportation and they will tell their friends about your service.

This business can be a very profitable business venture for you to undertake. It can be extremely rewarding in the fact that you have a business that is seriously needed and significantly valued by your customers. Good Luck!

Make Money Medical Transportation Business Plus Image Recommend Resources For Starting A Medical Transportation Business

How to Turn Your Medical Transportation Company into a Real Moneymaker: Innovative Differentiation, Growth, and Marketing Strategies to Crush Your Competition Written By Nat Chiaffarano MBA

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company – Revised Edition 2019

This book will provide you with step by step instructions on how to set up and run a profitable medical transport service. I highly recommend you consider this book as your next step to preparing yourself to start your very own Money Making Medical Transportation Business.


Guide to Starting A Medical Writer Career 2020

Starting A Medical Writer Career Guides

Read About Starting A Medical Writer Career as a medical writer you can work in medicine without actually doing it and become part of one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. You can earn a six-figure income as a medical writer.

If you are in the medical field already or are a writer, you may be looking for a career change. Becoming a medical writer may be just the profession you are looking to enter.

As the 21st Century is beginning to be filled with medical wonders able to treat illnesses and improve the quality of life for humankind, it is evident that more medical writers will be needed to help physicians, scientists and researchers tell their stories. This will lead to many career opportunities for medical writers.

What You Need To Be A Medical Writer

To become a medical writer you need to be trained in medical terminology. You should take some courses in pharmacology and statistics to develop your medical terminology terms. Contact universities or colleges to see if they offer medical writing courses.

Become familiar with medical websites that offer an abundance of medical information. You need to develop regimented writing practices. Medical writing requires judgment, exactness, and organizational skills.

Learn How to Make Website for your business

Perhaps, you would like to work part-time when you are getting started to help gain experience in medical writing. There are many opportunities available for both part-time and full-time employment.

Starting A Medical Writer Career
Starting A Medical Writer Career

There is a variety of employment paths to follow as a medical writer; here are only a few options:

  • You can work as a freelance writer in the medical field,
  • You can gain employed in hospitals, medical equipment companies or pharmaceutical businesses,
  • Work in healthcare centers, especially in research,
  • Medical associations, mainly those that produce journals and newsletters,
  • Medical schools, research facilities, and other academic institutions.

You have to examine all the options available and pick the one that is most suited to what you want in your medical writing career. Concentrating on a particular field would also be to your advantage. Then you could branch out into different areas after you are established in the business.

Growing Your Medical Writing Career Over Time

Start A Medical Writing Career It is very important to continually update your skills. You can do this by attending conferences, taking courses, referring to writing guidebooks, reading good articles created by first-class medical writers and learn from them.

It would be to your definite advance to interact with other writers; which could, in turn, help you find prospective markets and help strengthen your writing skills.

To earn more money as a medical writer, you can increase your volume of work completed by hiring freelance medical writers to work for you. Thus, you would be able to accept a much heavier workload.

By improving your research and methodical aptitude, you will be in constant demand for medical writing opportunities.
Make Money Wedding Planning Plus Image Recommend Resources For Starting A Delivery Business

Learn More About Dollar Grants – Click Here Dollar Grants

I highly recommend you consider this service as your next step to preparing yourself to start your very own Money Making Delivery Business. Share Your Opinion about Medical Writer Career in the comment section below.

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How To Start A Lawn Care Business With No Money

Starting A Lawn Care Business

Read about how to start a Lawn Care Business, Most homeowners dream of having a beautiful lawn for their home, but they don’t dream of having to work on it whenever they have a spare moment. With this knowledge, you can understand why having a lawn care business is the perfect opportunity to make money for yourself.

How to Start a Lawn Care Business legally?

With a lawn care business, you don’t have to wheel a lawnmower around the neighborhood, but you can offer to maintain other people’s lawns as well as do any other outside chores that they might need to be done: landscaping, planting, weeding and others. And you make money by being out in the sun and out doing something physical, it’s a win-win for everyone.

What You Need For A Lawn Care Business

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to have a lot of lawn equipment in order to start your own lawn care business and make money doing it. You really just need a basic lawnmower as well as yard tools. And most of the time, you will already have these items and be ready to get started.

In time, you can upgrade your equipment as it will wear out eventually if you have a lot of lawns to cut.

You will also want to keep a client listing of whose lawn you did and what you did to it. This will allow you to make money by offering to provide regular trims of the grass as well as weeding. And you’ll know when they need help because you’ve kept track of their business.

You can also make suggestions in this listing and bring up possible jobs that they might like you to do in terms of landscaping and other yard work.

You may also want to buy or create a book of possible landscaping layouts that you will be able to recreate in someone’s yard. It’s much easier for a client to choose from pictures than to come up with a complicated design plan. You might want to subscribe to landscaping magazines and offer them to customers who want to try something different with their lawn and thus make money for you.

Growing Your Lawn Care Business Over Time

Start A Lawn Care Business As your skills grow and your repertoire of landscaping ability widens, you’ll be able to make money in less time. You will be able to trim lawns in a shorter amount of time and thus be able to trim more lawns per day. At that point, you may want to hire more help to have multiple lawns being cut at the same time.

Along the same vein is an upgrade in equipment that can cut faster and more precisely than your own lawnmower. Try to keep up with the latest technology in lawn care so that you have access to the next best thing to make money more easily. A simple upgrade of a weed wacker can make all the difference in the appearance of a lawn.

How To Start A Lawn Care Business
How To Start A Lawn Care Business

You can also begin to offer classes on how to create the perfect lawn. This allows homeowners to learn some basic skills while also providing you with advertising for your own services. You can show people what they can do to make their lawn more attractive and then give free estimates on the work that you can do for them.

You will want to create strong relationships with the local yard supply shops so that you will be able to refer to each other as homeowners decide to make improvements on their own. When the homeowner buys supplies to create a particular effect, the supply scan recommends your services and vice versa. That way, you both make money and both have plenty of clients.

A lawn care business goes far beyond cutting the grass these days, but it can still make money for you and your family.

Read Make Money Wedding Planning Business 

Learn more about How To Start The Ultimate Lawn Business – Click Here Turn High Grass Into Cold Cash

To learn How To Start A Lawn Care Business With No Money that will make your Lawn Care business a success I highly recommend you consider this book. The information contained in this book is based on the author’s real-world experience over the past 18 years and other professionals in the lawn care business industry.


Passive Income Ideas 2020 - Create Passive Streams of Income

Are you searching for passive income ideas online? Today I am sharing tips to create passive streams of income online. Read passive income ideas with little money. My wife works 46 hours a week, spent mostly on his feet. I, meanwhile, average about 10-15 hours of work weekly, just about all of it spent sitting on my rear end. Yet, we earn just about the same money, despite the fact that he works three to four times longer. How? 

Passive income ideas for beginners?

While he’s out actively earning every dime he makes, my income comes from more passive streams. This means I let the work I created once earn money for me again, and again, and again.

Becoming A Mortgage Broker

Mortgage brokers act as a liaison between lenders and borrowers. When you visit a mortgage broker, they help you evaluate your loan options, then they deal directly with the lender of your choice who can get the money you need. New rules for mortgage brokers prohibit them from receiving payments from the borrower; instead, brokers get paid primarily by lenders.

How does this apply to passive income? There’s an oddity in the realm of mortgage broking called trailing commissions. Typically 0.15 to 0.20 percent of the loan’s original value, lenders pay these commissions to mortgage brokers for a pre-determined period of time – sometimes as long as the loan’s term.

That means if you originate $5,000,000 in loans after becoming a mortgage broker, you could stand to make $7500-$10,000 a year simply from trailing commissions.

Franchise Opportunities

To become a mortgage broker usually means you will need to buy into a franchise. In exchange for paying an upfront fee, you’re granted access to the mortgage franchises’ education tools, training, and other resources. In addition to that franchising fee, you’ll also likely pay a royalty fee – typically five percent of anything you earn.

If you’re looking for streams of passive income, franchise opportunities – whether running a mortgage broker franchise, a chain of restaurants, or health clubs – can help you increase your cash flow while you sit back and relax. Of course, getting to that point will require years – maybe decades of hard work, building up an idea, brand, or company to the point that franchisees want to buy in and pay you royalties in exchange for your company’s good name.

Finding The Right Fit For You

Whether you’re looking to create new streams of passive income or simply reinvigorate your active income sources, you’ll need to do your research. As with any career path, it’s important to find something that stirs your passions.

Becoming a mortgage broker or working under the franchising model often requires you to sell a product or services to the general public; it may not be ideal for a homebody like me who prefers to work in a quiet corner of her house.

Passive Income Ideas 2020
Passive Income Ideas 2020

My husband dreams of earning passive income, too. He dreams of one day buying an investment property, which he can use to make money. My parents do this currently, earning $30,000 a year on a pair of apartments they inherited years ago. They’ve hired out a property management company to do any repairs that come up, meaning my parents do nothing more than cash their tenants’ checks.

How I’m Making Passive Income

I said at the onset that I equal my husband’s annual salary, largely through passive income streams. How am I doing it?
My first source is through online articles I wrote when I first joined the freelance writing industry. At the time, I thought earning pennies on the dollar for a 1,000-word article on proper nutrition for newborns was insane; two years later, I still earn a few cents for every click my articles get.

Some of my articles have earned more than $100 and continue to earn more every day.

My second source is through my personal website. Started three years ago, it began as a family-oriented site. But, as my writing improved, I started getting requests from advertisers. Today, my website grosses several hundred dollars a month in ad revenue; all I have to do is update it regularly, which I would do anyway. While this may not technically fit the mold of true “passive” income ideas, it’s pretty darn close.


How to Starting a Laptop Repair Business Plan 2020

Starting A Laptop Repair Business

Read About A Laptop Repair Business Have you ever thought of starting your own business and working for yourself from home?

Laptop and Computers are starting to be far more affordable; thus, they are becoming more popular. This is creating an incredible opportunity for anyone who may be considering starting a laptop repair business. Don’t ignore this opportunity to be own manager and make a very lucrative income. Start your own business as a Laptop Repair Specialist.

Laptops are definitely here to stay. You can safeguard your future with a secure business by starting a career in an industry that is growing by leaps and bounds. This is a new service industry and you should think about starting immediately.

You have the prospect of making over $50,000 a year working part-time and $150, 00 a year working full time.

What You Need To Be A Starting Laptop Repairing Business Specialist

Laptop computers are very easy to fix and repair. There are a variety of online courses and books to help you learn to fix Laptops in no time at all. You will need to purchase a simple toolkit to use for your new trade.

An excellent way to practice fixing Laptop computers is to buy Laptops that are being sold for spares or repairs. You can then take the Laptops apart and use your new abilities to fix the Laptops. This is a good way to become skillful in basic repairs and hardware upgrades.

You can then go into business repairing Laptops for your customers; and also, repairs used Laptops and sell the refurbished Laptops for a substantial profit. You will need a little time to take in the material you are learning; but remember that this business works, has been proven to be very profitable and can be run by anyone who has the drive to make this business a success.

Growing Your Laptop Repair Business Over Time

Start A Laptop Repair Business Today Once you are comfortable with your new skills, you are ready to start your Laptop repair business.

Start advertising your new business; so that the public is aware that you are in operation. It is a good idea to create a simple business card with ways for future clients to contact you. Advertise through the newspaper, phone book, contact different companies in your community, approach schools, and get busy finding other ways to promote your new Laptop Repair Business.

You can even advertise long distances because the customer will send the Laptop to you for service. The customer will pay all the postage and the fee for the repair.

Make sure you can be reached easily when a customer is trying to reach you to repair their Laptop. A cell phone is a good idea as you can be reached at all times. The best way to charge for a repair and to build up your customer base is by offering free estimates and only charging if you complete the repair.

As your business grows you can hire people to work for you and turn your business into an outstanding success.

Starting a Laptop Repair Business
Starting a Laptop Repair Business

If you are not afraid of hard work and have the desire to succeed, this will be a very rewarding and profitable business enterprise.

Make Money Laptop Repair Plus Image Recommend Resources For Training To Be A Laptop Repair Specialist And Starting Your Own Business

Laptop Repair Business Guide – Click Here To Learn More Laptop Repair Business Guide

This book will teach you step-by-step practical advice on starting and operating your own successful laptop repair business. It will also teach you the technical aspects of physically repairing laptops.

I highly recommend you consider this here as your next step to preparing yourself to Starting a Laptop Repair Business Plan to Money Making Laptop Repair Business.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

How to Start a Wedding Planning Business in 2020 - Grow Wedding Company

How to grow your wedding planning business?

Read about how to start a wedding planning business to grow your wedding company business. Since the world has seemed to speed up over the last few years, there is more of a demand for wedding planners than ever.

No longer can you count on the ‘man’ to make money and the ‘woman’ to plan the wedding, rather more couples are unable to find the time in both of their busy careers to sort out their wedding details. But that makes wedding planning a great business for anyone to start.

Is wedding planning a profitable business?

Wedding planners make money by offering their services at an hourly rate. You might look for wedding chapels and reception venues, call caterers, and choose the band, or you might work on the menu and handle the decorations. With all of these responsibilities, wedding planning is a big responsibility, but one that pays handsomely.

How to Start a Wedding Planning Business in 2020?

The best part about trying to make money through wedding planning is that the initial costs aren’t that high. You can simply print out business cards or some other form of advertising to get your name out and then wait for people to call.

Make Website to Start a Wedding Planning Business

What you may also want to do is spread the word of your services through friends that are getting married. You can offer to help them with planning and coordinating their wedding at no charge. And while this won’t make money for you, it will help get you a reference and some pictures to assemble into a portfolio.

What You Need To Be A Wedding Planner?

You want to be able to show clients what services you can provide and have provided in the past. With a simple photo album of past planning successes, you can make your prospective client feel right at home by choosing your services and make money in the process.

How to Start a Wedding Planning Business
How to Start a Wedding Planning Business

It’s really as simple as sitting down with your clients and determining what they need from you. If they need you to handle the planning details according to their tastes, then you will make money by making phone calls and ordering samples of things to show your clients.

But if the clients are more hands-on, then you can meet with them regularly to see how you can help as needed.  Of course, the best part about wedding planning is that once you’ve planned one, you can branch out to make money planning all sorts of events.

Depending on the needs of your clients, you can work with them before, after, and even during the wedding to be sure that every possible detail is covered. As you make money, you will learn about different wedding themes and styles as well as how to handle various problems that might come up.

To gain some background knowledge, you may want to talk with a wedding coordinator to see how they handle their duties and any advice that they might be able to give you to assist you as you make money with this business. Maybe you find little bit knowledge about How to Start a Wedding Planning Business.

Growing Your Wedding Planning Business Over Time Start A Wedding Planning Business

As you begin to gain experience and to make money from wedding planning, you will form business relationships with various wedding vendors. This will help make your job even easier because that connection can be spread to other couples that might need your services.

Assemble a portfolio of your past wedding planning as well as any testimonials from previous clients as to your expertise. You can make money with these referrals because prospective clients like to see what you can do as well as hear it from other people that they might know.

Wedding planning is a way to make money that isn’t going to slow down soon. As the world speeds up, couples will need someone to slow their lives down and plan the perfect day of their dreams, even if they can’t do it themselves.

Thank you for reading, share your opinion about How to Start a Wedding Planning Business in the comment section below.


5 Real Ways to Make Money at Home With Internet Without Paying Anything

How to Make Money at Home With Internet?

Most of us already spend a good percentage of our waking hours surfing the internet. If you can find a way to do this and get paid for it, why not give it a try? The following are five real ways to make money at home with internet without paying nothing more than a laptop and a high-speed connection.

Make Money at Home With Internet
Make Money at Home With Internet

5. Personal Shopper

If you love shopping and relish the hunt for a bargain, you could use your talents to benefit others by becoming a personal shopper. Many people don’t have time to go shopping for gifts or household items.

Personal shoppers take care of this by ordering gifts, clothes, and other items online, arranging for them to be delivered to the client, and then taking a commission fee. Businesses will be busiest around the holidays, but you may gain steady clients throughout the year with your eye for detail and exquisite taste.

4. Online Surveys

Those who enjoy sharing their opinions can make spare cash filling out online surveys. Whether you have downtime at the office or want to earn while sitting at home watching TV, you can sign up at survey database websites. You might answer questions about everything from health and beauty products to topical issues in the news. Once a survey is complete, money is deposited into your online account, which you can then either withdraw or opt for prizes instead.

3. Ecommerce Store

Have you always dreamed of running your own business? Now you can do so from the comfort of your own home by setting up an eCommerce website. It’s a good idea to first figure out what type of product you would like to sell, which could be something you’re knowledgeable about already or something you would like to learn more about.

With the help of an E-commerce CMS, or content management system, you’ll have a shopping platform set up for you that helps you keep track of inventory, shipping, and customer information all in one place.

2. Selling Used Items Online

Another option in the world of online sales is to sell used items. Perhaps you’ve put off spring cleaning for a few years running and have accumulated a heap of junk that someone else might love. Selling products online can be a great way to clear out your house and make some money at the same time.

If you have old clothes, books, magazines, and electronic equipment, you can easily unload it online. Look at auction sites such as eBay or divvy up your wares through specialty sites such as 5miles, OfferUp, Nextdoor, which buy your goods. You could also literally be sitting on a goldmine if you have old jewelry, which you can sell as scrap gold.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Advertising is a big business online. There are many large companies out there who are in need of ways to attract more traffic to their websites, and they will pay smaller website owners to help them with this.

There are usually no fees to sign up, and in return, you get marketing guidance to help you set up a website with advertisements. Whenever someone clicks the ad on your website or buys something from the parent company, you’ll get paid a commission.

There are lots of other options to earn money from home without paying anything. Maybe you got information about Make Money at Home With Internet. 

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What is a Trading Plan and Benefits of Creating a Successful Trading Plan Strategies

How to Creating a Successful Trading Plan Strategies?

Here are the top trading plan benefits of creating a successful Trading Plan Strategies. Whether trading is your full-time job, whether you devote most of your spare time to trading, or whether you only dabble in trading as a hobby, it’s important to recognize that trading is a business. Check out this link to visit Etrade & get started trading online today.

If you want to succeed, then you will need to not only recognize trading as a business but also treat it as a business as well. That means making a trading plan. Just as you wouldn’t start a business without a business plan, you shouldn’t start trading without a trading plan. As they say, “Fail to plan and you plan to fail.”

Benefits of Creating a Successful Trading Plan Strategies
Benefits of Creating a Successful Trading Plan Strategies

What is a trading plan?

A trading plan is a set of guidelines or a structure that defines your trading activity. It includes the steps you must follow when entering and exiting trades according to the rules of your trading strategy. It helps you to focus and adhere to your trading strategy, and it can prevent you from making trading mistakes, making impulsive decisions, and over-trading.

There is no ‘ideal’ trading plan that should be used by all traders. Just as each trader must find the right trading strategy for him, he must also develop the right trading plan as well. While there are no hard and fast rules for creating a trading plan, there are certain elements that should be incorporated.

Who needs to use a trading plan?

Everyone from novice traders to professionals should have a trading plan. How much you use your trading plan or the way in which you use your trading plan is up to you. However, the benefits of having a trading plan in place are extensive.

Benefits of a trading plan

Learn from your mistakes

Using a trading plan means you are documenting your decisions and their outcomes. While you may not succeed every time, documenting your mistakes allows you to look back on where you went wrong, make the correct changes, and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Manage your risk better

When you create a trading plan, you decide how much risk you are willing to take. By having your risk structure in writing, it can be easier to stay within your boundaries while trading and avoid risky trades.

Know your entry and exit strategies

One of the most important aspects of trading is knowing when to enter and exit the market. Having it all on paper helps you to define your exit and entry strategies, and stick to them. This can help to reduce stress and adhere to your trading strategy.

Stay focused

With your trading plan on paper, it can help you stay focused on your strategy and can prevent you from making impulsive decisions – even when the market is volatile. Having a trading plan can help you to stick to your strategy and trust in it.


Keeping close documentation on your trading activity not only allows you to learn from your mistakes, it also allows you to look back and evaluate how well your trading strategy is working, helping you to look at the big picture.

How do you create a successful trading plan?

If you want to create a successful trading plan, you need to ask yourself the right questions. Look at your situation now – including what kind of trader you are, how much experience you have, and how much capital you have to trade with – and look at where you want to be – including what you want to achieve and in what time-frame, and what success is to you.

Your trading plan will incorporate your motivation for trading, your attitude to risk, your trading knowledge, and your dedication to trading. Using this information, you can develop a trading plan that helps you to succeed as a trader, and helps you to set and achieve your goals or you can Creating a Successful Trading Plan Strategies.

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